Once In My Life...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

"I Do"

The Eloption

We did. :-) We eloped. We call it an "Eloption." It was like having a semi-planned wedding moved way up! It was wonderful! Talk about the day every girl dreams of. You know, how she starts dreaming and planning at the age of 4. She has all of these great ideas about grande entrances, white horses, miles and miles of green grassy hills and castles. The "sworded" entrance and the "trumpeted" exits....yea...I know. You know, mine was kind of like that. The great "sworded" entrance was the stormy winds that escorted my dad and I down that nearly took myself and the vails away with the wind. The winds nearly caused the flowers in glass vases surrounding the pool to plummet in for an icy-hot swim. The romantic ceremony that was to take place with a unity candle, special thoughts, scriptures read and communion to take place turned out to be lack of ability to keep the candles lit, scriptures read quickly and a communion rushed through with the groom so close to stepping back into the pool. Planned out thoughts and special words took place but in a different way. The ceremony was still very intimate. As I looked into Matt's eyes it seemed that everything all around me wasn't happening and he was my "calm" in the midst of the storm. I looked into his eyes and found such peace and quiet. Our very special vows that proclaimed our love and committment to each other were heard and accepted as we joined our lives together. We are now one and will never be alone. We stand strong as three with God. The blessings of the other will be blissful forever. We know there will be differences of thought and wants, and we know we are very different. As we embrace the other, we will grow together and become stronger and stronger every day. As we accept those quirky things about the other and love our differences we will become a force and marriage champions like no other.
We are married! We are one! We are the Vosburghs!!


Blogger mom_twice_over said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy for ya'll !!!!

17/7/06 1:49 PM  
Blogger metromom said...

Yippeee! You're married AND you posted. Cool!

17/7/06 2:09 PM  
Blogger metromom said...

Also, I guess since you're ONE Matt need not even bother with his blog. :) Oh wait, he doesn't anyway. Well, then we're good to go. Works for us... :)

17/7/06 2:10 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

What a great picture, I want to see more! Thanks for the update it made me smile!

17/7/06 7:25 PM  
Blogger Terri and Mark said...

I also want to see more wedding pics! Glad you FINALLY blogged, I can't tell you how many times I've clicked on your link only to see the same blog about work!! Congrats!

18/7/06 8:08 AM  
Blogger Girl in Love said...

More pics will come once I see them!!! Can't wait! :-)

19/7/06 1:37 PM  
Blogger Shiying! said...


20/7/06 9:07 AM  

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