Once In My Life...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Bundle...

Okay, here is Bella, otherwise known as the Bundle. She is my little Princess! She thinks she is the Queen of everything, though. :-) Here are more pictures of "the kids".

The only thing we have to watch these little stinkers for is CHEWING on Matt's cables and wires! Bells has taken it upon herself to chew on the wires for the speakers that are hung on the ceiling. I have NO IDEA why she thinks she can do this. She has never done this before.....has never chewed on anything for that matter....(now, her prior accomplice, Guapo, chewed on and ruined my coffee table....maybe she's feeling a little neglected since we are married now and was remembering those days....I'm just not sure.) :-) Matt has threatened to ban her completely from the Vosburgh Castle if she continues on with this nonsense. I, of course, would not have this!


Blogger Life's Passionz said...

What a cute dog!!!

22/7/06 10:23 PM  

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