Once In My Life...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This day is to celebrate my mom!! Today is her birthday!!! She is my mom. She is my mentor. She is my best girlfriend! She makes me laugh! She laughs with me and cries with me! She breaks out the gum and crinkly wrappers and tic tacs in church! She has giggle attacks with me when we are SO NOT supposed to be having giggle attacks! She is honest with me even when it hurts to hear. She gets her toes and nails done with me! She gives me that look in public...and I know what it means...and we both desperately try not to lose it in laughter! She does the "time" with me when we can't say just "who" we are looking at! She'll shop with me and talk with me and drink coffee with me. She create and perform water ballet with me in the privacy of her pool. :-) She'll seahorse race me in the pool....and we'll both try to cheat! She appreciates me and accepts me for who I am not matter what I've done or said. She loves me no matter what! She'll come over and help me clean and organize. She'll baby-sit the Bundle and take very good care of her. She'll drive into town just to come hang out with me. This is my mom! This is her day! I love you mom!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Blogger Matt Vosburgh said...

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

26/7/06 9:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aha! Caught you blogging on your sick day!!!

Just kidding... hope you're feeling better soon!

Happy Birthday, Patty! You don't look a day over 29.

26/7/06 9:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

My mom and I are just like that... we haven't attended the same church since I was 16, and every time we do sit next to each other in a church service, we get the giggles so bad my dad has to split us up!

26/7/06 10:07 AM  

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