Once In My Life...

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Play-doh: A molding compound
Wood: A solid

Play-doh is something that you can form and mold into whatever you want. It becomes what the fingers around it shape it into.

Wood is something that you can form....but, once cut or shaped...it's not likely to change again, accept for some softened edges or splits.

In a sense, God is our widdler. He creates us.... and the experiences in our lives are what softens us and gives us character. I think He would like us to be like wood...not changing with this, or that, but having a firm, solid foundation in our inner soul and spirit. It is our decision with our words, actions and thoughts that makes us either like wood or play-doh.

I imagine a play-doh person to be wishy washy, becoming what they think their surroundings want or expect. They are the person who just wants to "fit in" and will sometimes do whatever it takes to be accepted.

Wood is formed and created and over time it gets a little dirty, the edges get softened...and maybe a few cracks occur due to effects of the world on it's outside. A wood person is someone who knows who they are in Christ....who is not affected by the words exchanged around them. A wood person is sure of themself. They exist in the world around them....and though things happen and they may get tossed around, or spilled on, or dropped...though all these things happen, they are still a solid piece in it's original form. Sure, he can get sanded to get rid of the rough edges....but his inner core is still firm and unchanging.

So, what are you? Have you ever been play-doh? Sometimes children are like play-doh when they feel peer pressure and are afraid to say "no" because of......what? The don' t want to get made fun of...or poked at. Or...are you like wood?

I'd like to be like the wood. I have my firm foundation built on the Word of God. I am a child of God. I have all the benefits that Jesus had on this earth. I have favor wherever I go, whoever I talk to and whatever I touch. The same power that created me....that is still in me today and that will never change. I already have the victory!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


When was the last time you told your parents that you love and appreciate them?...or your sister...or whoever? I have been ambushed by thoughts of love and appreciation for my family and those I am thankful for.

Think about the people in your life who you are the most thankful for....do they know it? Are they aware how they have changed your life? Do you take advantage of them just..."being around"..?

So many times people get caught up in life. I have been blessed with so much in my life. It is so easy to worry about simple little things or get distracted by the million things on my "To Do" list. I want to always be aware of and appreciate those who play vital roles in my life. Someday, they may not be here and I don't want to look back and regret my time and how I use it. Maybe they just need a phone call to say hello....

Anyway...I am writing this as a reminder to myself to appreciate those special people in my life and to cherish every moment with them. :)


Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

Dear Family and Friends,
It is with joy and sadness that we are writing to you today. As some of you already know, we are embarking on a "journey" which will change our life in almost every way. We wish we could have told every one of you in person, but it just hasn't been possible, and as such, we regret sending this news via email to you.
In any case, this week will be our last week living in Arizona. Cristin's grandparents (Clyde and Helen) have increasingly been experiencing some difficulties with their health over the past years, and most recently have begun considering professional care, due to the struggles of many daily tasks for them. The possibilities of selling their home and moving into assisted living or incurring the high costs of in-home care were a heartbreaking thought to our family, and certainly to Clyde and Helen.
Upon hearing this, we began discussing and praying about the possibility of helping however we can. The thought came to us to offer our help by moving to their home in Poulsbo, WA (near Seattle) to care for them. Matt could work during the day while Cristin attends to their daily necessities and we would work together, seeing to it that they experience the best of life in every way possible.
We considered the pros and the cons, the benefits and the sacrifices, the blessings and the difficulties. Although the challenges seemed to outweigh the advantages for us, it was undeniably clear that this would be an incomparable act; ultimately providing all of us with deeper, more meaningful and valuable joy than all the difficulties could ever contend with. We decided to make the offer and, after some consideration of their own, Clyde and Helen gladly accepted. We have committed ourselves to moving next week and we don't know how long we will be gone, or what new directions and changes will take place in our life once our assistance to Helen and Clyde is no longer adequate to meet their needs.
This is going to be a big change for us and certainly a considerable challenge, however, we are absolutely confident that God has put this in our hearts as a step of faith in the blessings and wonders He has in store for all of us. We are excited about and welcome this opportunity, but at the same time, there is much we will dearly miss.
The time we have been so blessed to have with all of you has been incredible and has made an indefinable impact on our life. We will miss the precious moments of fellowship with you, our family and friends. You have granted us comfort in our pain, wisdom in our uncertainty, laughter in our despair, hope in our fears and ultimately, have inspired us to be our very best in all we do.
It has been amazing to connect with so many great people in so many ways over the past 2+ years. We can't say enough about our family, our church family at The Life, our good friends from the past, and certainly our new friends at Mountain Park. We cherish every moment we've spent with you all and are truly sad to say goodbye.
We will deeply miss our family and friends at The Life. You have truly been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement for us both. It is with you that we've discovered a better life in the mysteries of God. You have inspired us through your giant hearts and open minds. It was with you that we found each other and began our new life together. We've gone through heartache together and laughed really hard together. You are the best friends we've ever known and we truly consider you our family. We can only hope to be so lucky as to meet people in Seattle that are even a fraction as wonderful as you are.
We will especially miss the get-togethers, special occasions and hanging out with our family that is so joyous, fun and meaningful in so many ways. It is you, our family, who gives us a glimpse into ourselves and shows us the vital meaning of true love. We have you to thank for everything we are and will become. You are our foundation of love and support and we treasure each one of you immensely.
Our ultimate strength is in God, who has made us who we are and continues to shape and direct us in our faith and desire to be closer to Him. You have all blessed us in so many ways and it is so apparent that God has blessed us with you... He is in each one of you.
As we mentioned before, we don't know how long we will be gone, or what new directions and changes will take place in our life. With that, it is entirely possible we could be moving back at some point, but we don't yet have any plans in that respect.
It is our intent to stay in contact in every way possible. We will be updating our website with "news" and arbitrary ramblings (blogging), connecting with you via video chat and instant messaging, sending mail and emails, calling and, most infrequently, flying out to visit... (you'll find our various points of contact at the bottom of this page). We wish you all the best and ask for your thoughts and prayers in this time of transition and unfamiliarity for us. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers as we look forward to discovering what God has in store for us all.
We love you so very much!
Matt and Cristin

Friday, January 19, 2007

The NAME...

Vosburgh. Guess what I did today?!!!!!????? I FINALLY changed my name LEGALLY! :) It is so exciting and I am proud to say I am truly, officially (not that I really needed the legal consent of the United States) a VOSBURGH! :) I went and did it, and boy am I glad! I went in and got there right on time....9 a.m. ....when they open. Now, I totally know it's the social security office, and to think that I could get there when they open and expect no line is crazy....so, I didn't expect it. But, I did expect to get in and get out in no time....(no time meaning....15-20 minutes.....). Let's just say that did NOT happen.
Thank God I had been there previously to "check it out" ....and they told me...the later part of the week is the best time..."even in the mornings before we open we have a line"....etc. So, I went expecting to wait a bit.....when I got there at 9:01 a.m. there were like 100 + people already.....I'm not kidding. I'm totally NOT exaggerating! But, I can say, that after my freezing COLD wait outside (because you can't have drinks or phones turned on in there....) of nearly two hours they FINALLY called my number and I almost screamed from excitement. I was imagining the number A38 being called out and everyone else in the room bursting out in cheers and hooray's! But, there were no cheers except for the ones in my head :) as I began a slight jog to Window # 3.

Now, here is the problem with this place: As I'm sure you know, people go there for all sorts of things.....so, apparently "name changes" were "A"s....there were also "B"s and "C"s........BUT...it's not like they have 5 people doing "A"s and 5 people doing "B"s....etc. Out of the 11 or 12 windows they had, only 4 or 5 were open and all the people were doing everything....so they would call out an "A" number, then 2 or 3 "B" numbers...then 1 or 2 "C" numbers.....then...well, you get the drift. These type of waits drive me fricken' batty!!!!! But, thank God my husband entertained me on the phone for part of the time...even if we were just breathing on the phone together. :) That's true love. :) Hee hee. I told him that when we have kids, it's his responsibility to get them their social security cards.... :) Ha ha. I guess that's only fair since we have to go through the 9 months of carrying the child and then the labor....

So, anyway...I made it through the door without going crazy from the wait and even had a nice little chat with the nice lady from Puerto Rico who's daughter also got married in June and had also just recently changed her name, although her mom told her to do it before the new year, and who's daughter also kept her maiden name as a middle name and now since the nice lady from Puerto Rico is divorced after 20 years she wishes she had kept her maiden name as a middle name too because that's somehow easier to go back to your maiden name if you want to drop your married name.......(and I have no need for that benefit because I am NEVER going to get a divorce..)....that nice lady from Puerto Rico who helped me. :) It's amazing how much you can learn about someone in such little time. :) Such personal stuff, too!

Okay....anyway....I feel like I"m ready for a nap. That sounds so nice. :)

Oh, I forgot to mention...the reason it took me so stinkin' long to get the change...the place is only open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m....and I WAS ( :) ) working from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. That is so silly why they would have their hours that way...but, oh well. I don't have to think about it again until my husband is calling me while he is waiting there.... :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Gosh, I can't stand that fact that I'm totally disorganized! GRRRRRrrrrr!! I now have 5 posts started...still yet to publish...and most will never get published. Some just have no meaning anymore..one is from Christmastime....whatever. :( I guess time will tell...whether you ever read them or not. It's like I get so organized to a point....I can get so much done, and then I spaz out and never finish. I don't like that part of me. Procrastination. It sucks. I guess I can make that a new year's resolution....to stop procrastinating...but, let's talk about that later..... :) It can really make life miserable. :( So, that is one on my list!!! Oh, okay, let me give you some examples: cleaning at home....sometimes it has to get messier before it gets cleaner.....sometimes it just never gets cleaner; filing...I"m seriously so good up until a certain point, thenI just can't stand it anymore...and I have to take a break, and sometimes never go back; I think this is a serious problem. Seriously!!! It's like I get so overwhelmed sometimes, even with the littlest things..., and can't make myself do anymore. That's so SO bad!!! :(
Okay, so that should maybe be #1 on my list:
1. Stop procrastinating
2. STOP procrastinating!!!
3. Start working out again! (yes, I know, I'm one of the millions!)

Anyway...I'll finish that list later! :) ha ha!

So many things happen over time. Changes in life....even some of the smallest things can have such huge, dramatic effects on us. As Matt and I look to our future, no, we don't have a crystal ball!, we know we have changes up ahead...we are excited and scared at the same time. Well, I might be the only one scared.....He welcomes change without any anxiety. Me, on the other hand...I would like to think I'm good with change, but, when it really comes down to it, I don't like it. I get to thinking...oh my gosh, what if this or that happens..............well, what if it does happen. We can deal with it then. What if the sky falls? Oh my gosh, we would be walking in the clouds! :) Change is good. It stretches us, helps us grow and open our eyes to other things.....in the end, when you look back, you can see where you really trusted God and where you just flat out lacked faith. Hmmm. It sounds SO easy...but trusting God really does take effort and is SO worth it! His burden is light...what am I doing carrying my own when He could be micro-managing it just fine?!?!!