Once In My Life...

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Play-doh: A molding compound
Wood: A solid

Play-doh is something that you can form and mold into whatever you want. It becomes what the fingers around it shape it into.

Wood is something that you can form....but, once cut or shaped...it's not likely to change again, accept for some softened edges or splits.

In a sense, God is our widdler. He creates us.... and the experiences in our lives are what softens us and gives us character. I think He would like us to be like wood...not changing with this, or that, but having a firm, solid foundation in our inner soul and spirit. It is our decision with our words, actions and thoughts that makes us either like wood or play-doh.

I imagine a play-doh person to be wishy washy, becoming what they think their surroundings want or expect. They are the person who just wants to "fit in" and will sometimes do whatever it takes to be accepted.

Wood is formed and created and over time it gets a little dirty, the edges get softened...and maybe a few cracks occur due to effects of the world on it's outside. A wood person is someone who knows who they are in Christ....who is not affected by the words exchanged around them. A wood person is sure of themself. They exist in the world around them....and though things happen and they may get tossed around, or spilled on, or dropped...though all these things happen, they are still a solid piece in it's original form. Sure, he can get sanded to get rid of the rough edges....but his inner core is still firm and unchanging.

So, what are you? Have you ever been play-doh? Sometimes children are like play-doh when they feel peer pressure and are afraid to say "no" because of......what? The don' t want to get made fun of...or poked at. Or...are you like wood?

I'd like to be like the wood. I have my firm foundation built on the Word of God. I am a child of God. I have all the benefits that Jesus had on this earth. I have favor wherever I go, whoever I talk to and whatever I touch. The same power that created me....that is still in me today and that will never change. I already have the victory!!!


Blogger Life's Passionz said...

I would also like to think I was more like the wood. I try to stand for who I am in Christ and not be swayed by what this life can offer. Like you said children are more like play-dough. They have yet to build that firm foundation of who they are in Christ. Through a lot of teaching and learning experiences they build it along with the developing of their character. I know the older I get, the easier it has become.

29/1/07 9:22 AM  
Blogger Terri and Mark said...

The more confident I become in God's love, the less I depend on other's acceptance of me.

1/2/07 5:28 AM  
Blogger Austin & Lindsay said...

Cristin I loved what you said...you got the preacher in ya! I miss you and am sorry about the way things "ended" with us. I would very much like to hear how you are doing and catch up....

5/4/07 2:47 PM  
Blogger Matt Barrett said...

Great illustration with wood and play-doh. I think I'm wood wrapped in play-doh. I've got a solid core that won't comprimise on big issues, but my exterior is very flexible and lets the lighter issues slide by.

23/1/08 5:21 PM  

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