Once In My Life...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We've Got Bugs.....!!!!!

Oh my gosh you guys...please pray! Seriously, I don't think I can handle anything else. Our new place has fleas!!! ...in the carpet and under the countertops....So, at this point we don't know what is going to happen....but let's pray that they take good care of us! We have the FAVOR OF GOD!!!!!!!!


Blogger Jessica said...

Oh no! If you need a place to stay you guys are more than welcome! Just don't bring any little friends along! :)

9/8/06 8:50 AM  
Blogger Terri and Mark said...

YIKES & YUCK!!! Just when you think your getting out of the ghetto! My head's itching already!

9/8/06 12:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Our First Eeeek! in the New Abode
As easy as you please
We found that we had fleas
Oh, no! I cried, appalled
I could not stop; I bawled

My stomach began to quease
And Matt's hand I did squeeze
As he stood with fists balled
The maintenance guy was called

Like the Chosen People long ago
God had led us out of the ghetto
These darn fleas were our Red Sea
There would be no complaining from me

This is not a plague, I know
It sure feels like one, though
Brad told us most assuredly
That we, not God, have the keys

So as reigning king and queen
Of our new and otherwise clean
Home Sweet Home, we stood to fight
What turned out to be not fleas, but mites

9/8/06 2:56 PM  

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