Once In My Life...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Oh Thank God!!! So, the bug guy came and gave us GOOD NEWS!!!! It's not fleas! Believe it or not...there are other small, black jumping bugs. They are called Mites. :-/ I know, it's still totally disgusting but much easier to deal with! Yes! They sprayed and we need to dump some special juice down the drains...and we should be good to go. (Aside from cleaning up the aftereffects of the spray...) They are "moist-dwelling" creatures apparantly and should not be able to live after the spray takes effect! So, we can continue to clean and unpack everything should be smooth-sailing form here! Yee-haw!!!


Blogger Terri and Mark said...

Mites, fleas, mesquitos... there's no escaping!!!!


9/8/06 2:00 PM  
Blogger Life's Passionz said...

I'm sooo glad! I was about in tears telling Brian about your bug infestation! I love those bug dudes that come and spray - they are like angels! We invited ours to church - maybe this Saturday...

9/8/06 2:01 PM  

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