Once In My Life...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Gosh, I can't stand that fact that I'm totally disorganized! GRRRRRrrrrr!! I now have 5 posts started...still yet to publish...and most will never get published. Some just have no meaning anymore..one is from Christmastime....whatever. :( I guess time will tell...whether you ever read them or not. It's like I get so organized to a point....I can get so much done, and then I spaz out and never finish. I don't like that part of me. Procrastination. It sucks. I guess I can make that a new year's resolution....to stop procrastinating...but, let's talk about that later..... :) It can really make life miserable. :( So, that is one on my list!!! Oh, okay, let me give you some examples: cleaning at home....sometimes it has to get messier before it gets cleaner.....sometimes it just never gets cleaner; filing...I"m seriously so good up until a certain point, thenI just can't stand it anymore...and I have to take a break, and sometimes never go back; I think this is a serious problem. Seriously!!! It's like I get so overwhelmed sometimes, even with the littlest things..., and can't make myself do anymore. That's so SO bad!!! :(
Okay, so that should maybe be #1 on my list:
1. Stop procrastinating
2. STOP procrastinating!!!
3. Start working out again! (yes, I know, I'm one of the millions!)

Anyway...I'll finish that list later! :) ha ha!

So many things happen over time. Changes in life....even some of the smallest things can have such huge, dramatic effects on us. As Matt and I look to our future, no, we don't have a crystal ball!, we know we have changes up ahead...we are excited and scared at the same time. Well, I might be the only one scared.....He welcomes change without any anxiety. Me, on the other hand...I would like to think I'm good with change, but, when it really comes down to it, I don't like it. I get to thinking...oh my gosh, what if this or that happens..............well, what if it does happen. We can deal with it then. What if the sky falls? Oh my gosh, we would be walking in the clouds! :) Change is good. It stretches us, helps us grow and open our eyes to other things.....in the end, when you look back, you can see where you really trusted God and where you just flat out lacked faith. Hmmm. It sounds SO easy...but trusting God really does take effort and is SO worth it! His burden is light...what am I doing carrying my own when He could be micro-managing it just fine?!?!!


Blogger Terri and Mark said...

It's so great to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way!

5/1/07 3:40 PM  

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