Birthday SURPRISE!!!
Well, I had the greatest night ever!!! My 29th birthday was this past weekend.....gosh, saying that now seems like I'm SO OLD!!!! :-( 29. Geeze! Alright...pitty party is over! I'm 29 and don't feel like it!!!! YES!!! So, my birthday was a busy day so we didn't do a lot....but there was a big surprise waiting for me later on!!! My husband is a good liar... and as I'm finding is my sister and my mom! What is a girl to do with her most cherished people all lying to her???!!!
We were planning on going to my sister and bro-in-law's house for dinner, just my studly hubby and I...or so I thought. Now, I must first say I was wondering if something was going on....but nothing was happening the way I thought it I had kind of finally given up on the idea. (I really wasn't sure what I thought, but I knew something was up.) So, anyway...we arrive and they are acting normal....until I realize the curtains are ALL closed going to the backyard....I instantly thought of suspicious acts but didn't really have time to process because my sister immediately escorted me to the back door which she opened in a way that I would go out first.....which was weird, but once again...I didn't have time to process all these suspicions because I stepped out and .........SURPRISE!!!!!
I must say it was such a blessing to spend my day with friends and family!! Thank you all so much for coming to celebrate with me!
I still don't feel 29!!!
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