Once In My Life...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Wedding Pictures...

I am SO EXCITED!!! This morning I went over to my sister's house and picked up my wedding album!!! She did an amazing job! The book is so cool!!! I can't even explain how talented and gifted she is with photography...her eye catches things most people don't even see. These pictures are not from the album...but I thought I'd post a few pics from wedding and honeymoon today...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Married Life...

Mawwage.....has bwought us hewe togethew teday...

I love being married!!! It's amazing how much my life has changed in the last year. God is so sneaky!! He is very, very sneaky!! :-)

One year ago I was turning 28 and I was asked what I would like to accomplish in my 28th year of life, whether I thought it was possible or not. You know, I remember that very moment. I was at Cafe Boa partaking of the very best creamy dark chocolate dessert and dessert wine in the universe! (Yes, it's true.) I mentioned a few things of which I cannot tell you what they were because I don't remember. There is one thing that is very clear to me. I said that I would like to get married. I didn't know if I already knew him or not. But I knew it was totally possible.

It's crazy because that very next night my journey with my (now) husband started. It had been going underway already, but in a less formal way. You see, he had already decided that I was going to be his....I just hadn't been informed yet. :-) Over the next several months we both realized that we didn't want to live the rest of our lives without each other.

It's amazing what love will do. It allows you to completely overlook faults. It's not that you can't see them, but that you know they are there and your love for the other person overrides that by a million times. Everything in you passionately loves him with everything you have. I have never felt so much love for someone in my entire life. I have definitely experienced his gracious forgiveness and passionate love as well. It's amazing to me how he doesn't necessarily accept my actions when they are wrong, but that he loves me in spite of them.

As I am writing this, I am also thinking about God and His love for us. It is just like this but multiplied by a million. Thinking about my love relationship with my husband doesn't even compare to the love God has for us!! That's amazing!!

Anyway...It's so funny putting two people together in a household and meshing. We have both done things "our" way for most of our lives. Coming together and becoming "one" means more than just leaving and cleaving. :-) It means communicating through the hard things to talk about, deciding to put the t.p. in one direction (we don't deal with that, just an example), what kind of toothpaste to use: the runny kind, or the good kind. :-) (Can you imagine that?...using runny toothpaste? :-) ) what cupboard to put the glasses and plates in, how to organize the food in the pantry....etc. :-) ....what side of the bed to sleep on....All the expectations that you have from the other person.......It's not that all of these things are rough to work out...it's just that there are two very different people moving in together! It's amazing the things you don't think about before you get married. You have two different people with different ideas and different reasons to back up those ideas.

It has been fun! Sometimes working things out is a challenge, but it is also very rewarding. It's fun to talk about our differences because we are so very different. Just being man and woman create a challenge alone....and then add in the personalities and temperments. This lifelong journey will bring great rewards! I love being married and wouldn't change a thing even if I could!!!

Birthday SURPRISE!!!

Well, I had the greatest night ever!!! My 29th birthday was this past weekend.....gosh, saying that now seems like I'm SO OLD!!!! :-( 29. Geeze! Alright...pitty party is over! I'm 29 and don't feel like it!!!! YES!!! So, my birthday was a busy day so we didn't do a lot....but there was a big surprise waiting for me later on!!! My husband is a good liar... and as I'm finding out...so is my sister and my mom! What is a girl to do with her most cherished people all lying to her???!!!

We were planning on going to my sister and bro-in-law's house for dinner, just my studly hubby and I...or so I thought. Now, I must first say I was wondering if something was going on....but nothing was happening the way I thought it would....so I had kind of finally given up on the idea. (I really wasn't sure what I thought, but I knew something was up.) So, anyway...we arrive and they are acting normal....until I realize the curtains are ALL closed going to the backyard....I instantly thought of suspicious acts but didn't really have time to process because my sister immediately escorted me to the back door which she opened in a way that I would go out first.....which was weird, but once again...I didn't have time to process all these suspicions because I stepped out and .........SURPRISE!!!!!

I must say it was such a blessing to spend my day with friends and family!! Thank you all so much for coming to celebrate with me!

I still don't feel 29!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Oh Thank God!!! So, the bug guy came and gave us GOOD NEWS!!!! It's not fleas! Believe it or not...there are other small, black jumping bugs. They are called Mites. :-/ I know, it's still totally disgusting but much easier to deal with! Yes! They sprayed and we need to dump some special juice down the drains...and we should be good to go. (Aside from cleaning up the aftereffects of the spray...) They are "moist-dwelling" creatures apparantly and should not be able to live after the spray takes effect! So, we can continue to clean and unpack everything should be smooth-sailing form here! Yee-haw!!!

We've Got Bugs.....!!!!!

Oh my gosh you guys...please pray! Seriously, I don't think I can handle anything else. Our new place has fleas!!! ...in the carpet and under the countertops....So, at this point we don't know what is going to happen....but let's pray that they take good care of us! We have the FAVOR OF GOD!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006



Okay...so we may seem a little anxious to you...but seriously folks, we have the right to be. :-) If you have ever lived in the ghetto....you'd unerstand. Now, living in the ghetto could mean so many things.......

So, let me clarify for you:


1) having to call 911 for the cops over 8 times within 5 months is too many; you are living in the ghetto.
2) when you have to translate for the police in a domestic abuse case; you are living in the ghetto (you would think they would require all law enforcement to speak at least 3 languages in our neighborhood).
3) You have a slimy yellow "something" (still having yet to be identified) that slinks and slides downs your walls...and 7 months of requesting it to be taken care of is still there...you eventually give up; you are living in the ghetto.
4) Upon moving in your father tells you he will get you rod iron coverage for your windows...it makes you rethink your decision to save some money and live somewhere cheaper; you are living in the ghetto.
5) Upon that same day of moving in your boyfriend (now husband!) makes another suggestion to get new doorknobs and locks because the door doesn't quite close (you hear and feel the breeze as it flies by your door)....; you are living in the ghetto.
6) You have all sorts of people who are living there because the government pays for it (this is not the problem) who are receiving government aid becuase they are mentally unstable (in the scary sense) and cannot maintain a job....and you find this out from one of your "friendly" neighbors who does not speak any English.; you are living in the ghetto.
7) Within weeks of living in your new establishment you come home one evening to find all the windows of the laundry room smashed out with bricks and broken glass all over the place....; I think you are livin' in the ghetto.
8) Oh, you see different people all the time staying in the laundry room because (as you learn from one of your friendly non-English speaking neighbors that the laundry gets stolen so they stay there the whole time waiting for it to be done.....; living in the ghetto.
9) Oh, yeah....homeless people (bless their hearts) sleep in your laundry room because there is a bench to sleep on and the laundry door no longer locks...still in the ghetto.
10) You are awakened regularly throughout the night (every night) by the howling of police, fire, and ambulance sirens...; welcome to the ghetto.
11) Of course, Mariachi music echos throughout the neighborhood attempting a chorus with booming gangster rap, from "custom" economy lowriders and pickup trucks, and right through your front door...; kickin' it in the ghetto.
12) (Matt's favorite) the air hood over the stove sucks in air, only to blow it right back into the room...; you're cooking in the ghetto.
13) Going for a walk requires you to make sure you have your mace or stun gun (haven't used them, YET), and on any given walk, you are certain to encounter a variety of individuals who reaffirm your decision to carry self defense products...; definitely in the ghetto.
14) Oh, and the final one....You have your seriously cheap (but shiny) hubcaps (all of them)stolen from your car in the middle of the night...yup, you're in the ghetto!