Once In My Life...

Monday, July 31, 2006

Ghettoville be gone!...4.5 days left!

So...The day is near...please don't be in fear! The load may be light...so let's not be in fright! Please, please come and play!...you won't want to miss this great day! Please don't bail...we just don't want to fail!! You will be rewarded with food and drinks....so let's take care of these kinks! You know who to call....so do it, or we might bawl! So, we'll see you soon....so that we may be done by noon!!!

Only 4 days left....

Friday, July 28, 2006

We're MOVING!!!!....


Dun-du-du-dah!!! Here it is!! Our first place as a married couple!!! Isn't it cute? It is great! It is like a mini-house. We have a place to grill just outside of our patio so that will be nice ...It is also by a pool which has a fountain/waterfall and we can hear that....it's like we are in our own little resort!! Yeah!! So, praise the Lord...we'll actually have a microwave, washer and dryer and a dishwasher.....(I know what you are thinking....NO, we'll have a MECHANICAL dishwasher).....SWEET!!! Oh, wait, what's that you say??? Oh YES!!!! Of course you are WELCOME to come and join us on SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th and help us move!! NO PROBLEM!!!! :-) More updates to come....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This day is to celebrate my mom!! Today is her birthday!!! She is my mom. She is my mentor. She is my best girlfriend! She makes me laugh! She laughs with me and cries with me! She breaks out the gum and crinkly wrappers and tic tacs in church! She has giggle attacks with me when we are SO NOT supposed to be having giggle attacks! She is honest with me even when it hurts to hear. She gets her toes and nails done with me! She gives me that look in public...and I know what it means...and we both desperately try not to lose it in laughter! She does the "time" with me when we can't say just "who" we are looking at! She'll shop with me and talk with me and drink coffee with me. She create and perform water ballet with me in the privacy of her pool. :-) She'll seahorse race me in the pool....and we'll both try to cheat! She appreciates me and accepts me for who I am not matter what I've done or said. She loves me no matter what! She'll come over and help me clean and organize. She'll baby-sit the Bundle and take very good care of her. She'll drive into town just to come hang out with me. This is my mom! This is her day! I love you mom!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Summertime Blues...

I hate being sick. I can handle it up to a certain point...but once I cross over into "Okay....seriously, I feel like total poo" my body gives in and wants nothing but to sleep. I have been having the sore throat on and off for a week or so...and today I woke up feeling alright. A few hours into my day my throat worsened, my head began hurting, I realized I was extremely exhausted and seriously thought about how wonderful even the floor would feel. I have been taking my vitamins, trying to eat healthy, getting enough rest, blah, blah, BLAH! Why? Yo no se. I'm over the hump and now have only 2 hours, 42 minutes left of my work day. Halleluia!! "For by His stripes I am healed!!!" In Jesus' Name!!!!
Okay, so here's the plan: take your vitamins, drink lots of water, eat healthy, get enough sleep
Oh yeah...an apple a day will keep the doctor away! Yes!
Can't wait to sleep. :-)

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Okay...I was going to give the Webster's definition of it...but have decided not to. I think we all have a pretty good idea of what it is. :-) Matt and I just finished watching the movie "Patriot Games" ...."Jack Ryan tries to stop an IRA fringe group from carrying out an assassination attempt on English royals and is subsequently brought back into the CIA in order to save his now threatened family". This was a good movie! At times I had cover my face because I was so stressed out watching... but had my hands cracked so I could see what was going on! A good movie...filled with "love and war". Immediately after the movie gets over guess what Matt pulls out?....! He gets his PlayStation 2 out and what does he put in to play?????? BLACK. Now this is a war game and of course, good triumphs over evil...because the "good" is my husband who has completely won this game! He is so funny! Completely engrossed in his game talking to the bad guys telling them they are "gonna die!!!" I love him so much and am so glad that he is committed to protecting me from the "evil and war" in this world! :-) As you can see, I have posted a picture of my victor (intense profile while performing the finishing touches of his wins) and his score... to brag on my soldier!
Oh yeah....notice on the score...the total game time played. It seems like a relatively short amount of time to secure democracy and freedom around the world!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Bundle...

Okay, here is Bella, otherwise known as the Bundle. She is my little Princess! She thinks she is the Queen of everything, though. :-) Here are more pictures of "the kids".

The only thing we have to watch these little stinkers for is CHEWING on Matt's cables and wires! Bells has taken it upon herself to chew on the wires for the speakers that are hung on the ceiling. I have NO IDEA why she thinks she can do this. She has never done this before.....has never chewed on anything for that matter....(now, her prior accomplice, Guapo, chewed on and ruined my coffee table....maybe she's feeling a little neglected since we are married now and was remembering those days....I'm just not sure.) :-) Matt has threatened to ban her completely from the Vosburgh Castle if she continues on with this nonsense. I, of course, would not have this!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Boy...

So, you finally get the meet the boy. Not that you have been wondering who he is....and I don't even think I mentioned him...but I should have. I would have to say he is the cutest little furry creature! His name is Mr. Smith. He is my parent's dog...but comes to visit quite frequently! He has the cutest little personality and loves to play and snuggle! In this picture he has just had a bath...believe it or not. :-) He is needing a haircut so he is looking a little "rugged". :-) His best friend is Bella, otherwise known as the bundle. She is my cat...and she thinks she's all that! She'll play with Smith, chase him and hide from him....and whenever he leaves she cries for him. She looks all around and then looks at me like, "Where did he go?". She will be turning 4 in September.....she's a little obese for her age so please don't say anyting. She's a little insecure. :-) She loves to snuggle..but it's always on her terms. :-) She also enjoys watching t.v., so if there's a good show on, you'll find her sitting in front of the t.v. Smith, on the other hand, does enjoy t.v. as well, but he's happy just playing and chillin'.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well, our 1st week of marriage was topped off with a weekend of camping! How fun was that!!! It was so nice to get out of the heat and get to cooler weather. It was a little stormy but I loved it!! The winds and the rain came and we soaked it up!...literally! It was so much fun to cook with the minimum and let me tell you...the food is really good when you've worked up your appetite! Matt and I decided to go on a hike. So, he grabbed his compass and we started walking. Now, I was thinking that we were going to go on a hike. :-) You know, the kind of walk that you take on a trail...maybe some ups and downs and some rocks to climb on. We come to a fence with a gate.....and Matt says, "You know what that gate is for, don't you?....It's so the bears don't come through and get to the campground. Come on, let's go!" Hold on. He wanted to go THROUGH the gate and just wander through the forrest. I don't think so. After several minutes of begging, prodding and some words of love exchanged, for some unknown reason I agreed to go with. What was he feeding me to make me do something so crazy?!!!? It could have been the food, the lack of sleep....I don't know. :-) So, instead of going on a hike, we were going on a 'compass hike'. Let me tell you what a 'compass hike' is. It is a 'hike' in which there really are no trails (in this particular case), and you use your compass (imagine that). So, I would go to a place and he would figure out the degrees to which I was going and then he would come meet me. We did this about 8-9 times or so. On our way to each location we had marked a tree (remember, we are in some forrest...it is getting stormy, windy, raining, lightning....). Now on our way back, we had to use the compass numbers in degrees to find our tree that we had previously marked. And because there are so many trees (it was very dense) it's not like we could just say "Oh hey...there's our tree!" We had to FIND it. :-) Through the cold stormy weather we found our way back to the bear gate. "Praise the Lord!" is what I was thinking....and Matt was saying "Lets write all the compass numbers down so we can come back later and do it again!". Oh, my cute husband! I'm so glad we are so different and we can learn from each other! I'm sure we will cherish these memories forever!

Oh...I forgot to mention that we "got" to use our emergency ponchos that my very prepared husband had in his pockets! I love him so much!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

"I Do"

The Eloption

We did. :-) We eloped. We call it an "Eloption." It was like having a semi-planned wedding moved way up! It was wonderful! Talk about the day every girl dreams of. You know, how she starts dreaming and planning at the age of 4. She has all of these great ideas about grande entrances, white horses, miles and miles of green grassy hills and castles. The "sworded" entrance and the "trumpeted" exits....yea...I know. You know, mine was kind of like that. The great "sworded" entrance was the stormy winds that escorted my dad and I down that nearly took myself and the vails away with the wind. The winds nearly caused the flowers in glass vases surrounding the pool to plummet in for an icy-hot swim. The romantic ceremony that was to take place with a unity candle, special thoughts, scriptures read and communion to take place turned out to be lack of ability to keep the candles lit, scriptures read quickly and a communion rushed through with the groom so close to stepping back into the pool. Planned out thoughts and special words took place but in a different way. The ceremony was still very intimate. As I looked into Matt's eyes it seemed that everything all around me wasn't happening and he was my "calm" in the midst of the storm. I looked into his eyes and found such peace and quiet. Our very special vows that proclaimed our love and committment to each other were heard and accepted as we joined our lives together. We are now one and will never be alone. We stand strong as three with God. The blessings of the other will be blissful forever. We know there will be differences of thought and wants, and we know we are very different. As we embrace the other, we will grow together and become stronger and stronger every day. As we accept those quirky things about the other and love our differences we will become a force and marriage champions like no other.
We are married! We are one! We are the Vosburghs!!